Ad Agencies and Media monitoring Companies objectivity et al

Ad Agencies and Media monitoring Companies

Advertising is often a very big part of your perception shifting effort, but as a function it is not often undertaken, managed, measured and reported in a professional manner. It is because of this that OBJECTIVITY et al performs a unique service for both Advertisers and Advertising agencies.

Today, advertising is totally quantifiable in terms of awareness shifts, perception shifts, and responses generated.

Advertising Agency Monitoring

OBJECTIVITY et al maintains a database of all advertising agencies and visits each of these advertising agencies annually to check their client lists and their related needs. All clients are then telephoned and asked to rate the performances of their agencies so that we can compile and develop Individual Advertising Agency Performance Profiles. As part of each profile, each Agency performance is then compared with:

  • The Norms of the Advertising Industry
  • The “Corridors of Excellence” in the Advertising Industry
  • Against other agencies
  • The desired standards of performance of advertisers

This database enables us to provide a range of agency-related services to both Advertisers and Advertising Agencies, ensuring return on investment to both parties.